Junior High
Junior High is the transition between elementary school and high school. At Zion, we strive to prepare our students for a smooth transition, academically and spiritually.
Bienvenidos! Welcome! Zion Spanish class is held two class periods each week in both grades 7 and 8. While 7th graders focus on the country of Mexico, 8th grade students select a specific Spanish speaking country to explore and discover throughout the year. All students attend three fiestas to enjoy the food, crafts, and music of Spanish and Latin American culture.
Classroom Transition
Zion offers the opportunity of the high school like experience of transitioning classrooms. Students in grades 7 and 8 will transition classrooms for Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Math.
Grades 3 through 6 transition between two classrooms.
Math Tracking
In sixth grade different math classes are offered to best meet the needs of our students. Transitional Math (6TM) and General Math (6GM) will both use the same textbook. Transitional math activities will include additional review, reinforcement of concepts, and a more concrete approach. These students are on target for Pre Algebra in 8th grade. The General Math class will also have reinforcement of concepts but will delve into more abstract concepts and problem solving. These students will be on target for Pre Algebra in 7th and Algebra in 8th grade. Students will be evaluated each year to determine the best fit for their needs as learners.