Early Childhood
Our Mission
We strive to share the love of Christ with each child and family every day.
To share God’s love because He first loved us.
To teach them to love God’s creation
Through joy, excitement, and curiosity.
Why Choose Zion?
Children attend 2, 3, 4 or 5 days per week: half or full day.
Approximately 230 young students fill our classrooms every week!
Sessions run from 8:00-11:30am or from 8:00am-3:00pm. Families have the opportunity to add Before and After Care to their child’s full day schedule.
Our classes are comprised of mixed age groups: 18 months-36 months (ELP) and 3-5 years of age (Preschool). Research has demonstrated that classrooms composed of learners with a range of abilities and gifts will have measurable gains in leadership skills, prosocial behavior, independence and competence in cooperative learning abilities. Older learners nurture younger learners and all children benefit from collaborative learning strategies.
Zion's Early Childhood Program offer programs specific to the learning needs and styles of children 18 months through age 5. Parents can take confidence in the following attributes of our welcoming, Christ-centered environments: